IHOR can provide a realistic, accurate and lucid view of the market to private equity and institutional investors, to retailers and developers

Market Research and Property Evaluation

Market Research for Private Equity and Institutional Investors

Market Research for Eastern European Private Equity Fund
Driving Circles fromThessaloniki
AB distribution North Greece (2010)

How much time is actually needed for a client to drive to a retail center? Is it really the time one can estimate through a simple google estimation? Such kind of questions can give the real image of a real estate investment to a developer or investor. But these answers can't be found in the books! These are answers that we in IHOR can provide.

Market Research is the basis for any business development. In IHOR we have a well trained team ready to undertake any sort of Market Research in Real Estate. Our research is done mostly in the field by our team in order to obtain Real Market data (active demographics, retail transactions, competition size, market size, future developments, urbanistic data, customer profile, average customer spending power etc). We don't stay in our office to give to our clients data he can find in the internet but we conduct our research 'in the field' (in situ).

As one can see in the Services Menu our team can provide a whole range of information in a Market research: From Basic demographics to driving circles, from a very detailed competition analysis to a full legal due dilligence or a technical evaluation. Upon a contract and within a well defined time schedule our team can illustrate the real market view to our clients. 

A retailer who wants to expand, an investor who wants to buy an income property will definitely base his decision on solid market data. Data that IHOR will provide using its expertise, a very well trained team and over 16 years of experience and contacts in this region of the world , the Balkans. 


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Maria Kallas 35
546 55 Greece

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